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The Lose Weight Biking Program

With Stacy Smith

For any woman who rides any kind of bike and wants to lose weight for the last time.  

I know you.

  • You LOVE riding your bike but you can't lose weight.
  • You have tried every stupid diet/workout plan thinking it would be THE ONE.
  • Maybe it worked for a while, but you got sick of all the restriction and tracking all the things, gave up and gained all the weight back.
  • Your family, job, even your freaking dog need so much you don't have time to lose weight or ride your bike.
  • And, when you DO have time to ride? You're TIRED! The couch, Netflix, and a glass of wine seem SO much better than getting on your bike. 

I know you because I was you... until I figured out how to lose weight for the last time.

The truth is

There is nothing wrong with YOU

  • You are NOT broken.
  • Your body doesn't need to be "fixed."
  • You DON'T need to deprive yourself of flour, sugar, and everything you love to lose weight.
  • You DON'T need another diet. You need a plan.

I promise

There is a better way

A way that feels good and is FUN.

A plan that is DOABLE and will get you results because it's yours

You absolutely can do this.

I believe in you, and I am here to help.



The Lose Weight Biking Program

A comprehensive program for ANY woman who rides ANY bike and is ready to lose weight for the last time.


All lessons include a video (half hour or less) and handy corresponding workbook. The workbook even has a summary of each lesson if you don't have time to watch!

Learn at your own pace

You have lifetime access to the entire program. Though the suggested pace is one lesson per week, you can decide what works for your busy schedule.

Private Community

Access to a private Facebook group exclusively for Lose Weight Biking program members only. This is an exclusive, supportive group of like-minded women to help you on your weight loss journey.

24/7 Written Coaching and Instruction

Have a question? Need some coaching? Reach out in the Facebook group! Stacy is in there and personally replies to all questions in the group.

"I enjoyed the program. Stacy was very helpful and knowledgeable. I used the worksheets to plan my food and workouts. I have utilized her teachings about food and mindset. I have lost 15 lbs and kept it off. I recommend this program because there was no guilt, it was flexible, and it makes sense. There was no pressure if life got in the way.  I recommend this program to anyone who wants to lose weight in a healthy way. " - Tracy


What's Inside The Program

 Four Lessons at a Glance


Lesson: Your Daily Meal Plan

In this lesson you will learn how to

  • Create a daily food plan with foods you actually like.
  • Make choices about food that are fun and feel good.
  • Reflect each day on whether or not you stuck with you plan, and how to set yourself up for success tomorrow.

Lesson: Your Weekly Biking/Movement Plan

In this lesson you will learn how to

  • Plan your rides each week in advance (with a back up plan!).
  • Learn strategies to to fit your rides in.
  • Anticipate obstacles to getting on the bike and brainstorm ways in advance to overcome them.
  • Learn that ALL MOVEMENT COUNTS. You do not need to workout or bike constantly to lose weight biking.

Lesson: Setting Weight Loss and Biking Goals

In this lesson you will learn how to

  • Set a goal and develop the confidence to actually achieve it.
  • Develop amazing habits that bring you closer to achieving your goals.
  • Figure out the REAL reasons why you want to lose weight, and how to use these reasons as your motivation to lose weight for the last time.

Lesson: Measuring Your Progress

In this lesson you will learn how to

  • Choose a method of measuring your progress that works for you.
  • Notice and conquer your negative thoughts and feelings about the scale.
  • Deal with fluctuations in your measurements/in the scale with a positive mindset that keeps you on track.

Here's What You Can Expect

After The Lose Weight Biking Program You Will...

  • Lose weight while loving your body and how awesome it is right now.
  • Develop habits you can actually implement forever.
  • Have a solid plan and trajectory for working towards and achieving your weight loss and biking goals.
  • Learn how to interrupt your emotional eating and address why you are over-eating in the first place.
  • Be able to interrupt all of the negative self-talk that keeps you from achieving your goals.
  • Have all of the tools you need to lose weight for the last time.

Are you ready? Let's DO THIS!

Lose Your Weight for the Last Time


Pay in Full


Best Savings! OVER 30% OFF full price of $347!


12 monthly payments of


Get started TODAY with our lowest monthly payment ever.


6 monthly payments of


Net savings of nearly 20% off the full price of $347 over 6 months!


And there's more!

You'll also get these awesome bonuses:

Bonus #1

Food and Workout Plan Worksheets

This handy, must-have tool will help you intentionally plan your meals and your workouts.

These worksheets will guide you in  creating and assessing a doable plan you can stick with because it's YOURS.

Available NOW in your member area upon joining the program!

Bonus #2

Momentum and Motivation

This bonus video lesson will keep you going when you fall off track, or when you experience a stall/plateau.

Anytime you are discouraged you can pop right in here for all of my best tips for getting yourself right back in it!

Available NOW in your member area upon joining the program!

Bonus #3

Navigating the Holidays

This video lesson works for ANY special time of year/event...not just the holiday season!

You will learn how to navigate holidays, vacations, and special events. You will eat foods you love without guilt...knowing that YOU are in control.

Available NOW in your member area upon joining the program!

Meet your instructor

Hi, I'm Stacy!

I'm the founder of Sascy Cycling, a supportive and inclusive women's biking community.

A few years ago I lost 50 pounds by changing my relationship with my body and with food.

My mission is to help women ride bikes and lose weight from a place of love an appreciation for what their body can DO.

If I can do this?

The girl who loves cake and wine almost as much as she loves Doritos?

So, my friend, can YOU.





But it wasn't always this way...

A few years ago my husband bought me a bike. A really nice road bike.

I was an overweight, VERY occasional runner who got winded going up our stairs.

I thought biking was for athletic people, not people like me.

I was shocked to find that I actually loved riding my bike. I thought I was going to lose SO much weight.

Instead, I gained weight. SERIOUSLY.

It wasn't until I got my head straight, stopped talking to myself like a jerk, and learned to love my body for all it can DO that I finally lost my weight for the last time


Are you ready, my friend?

Let's GO!

Your next steps:

1. Join the Lose Weight Biking Program!

Click the button and follow the checkout steps. In minutes, you'll get an email will your login details. Easy peasy!

2. Watch the welcome video!

Watch the welcome video in your member area and GET PUMPED!

I am so excited to have you with us on this journey and can't wait to help you lose weight!

Congratulate yourself for committing to lose your weight for the last time.

3. Join the Private Facebook Group and Jump into the first lesson!

Lessons are available in your member area as soon as you join.

You also will receive an email inviting you to the private Facebook group so we can all connect!


Our money-back guarantee

Try our program for 30 days, risk-free

I am so confident you will love Lose Weight Biking, but if you don't we are offering a 30-day money back guarantee. Simply send us an email at [email protected] and we will process a full refund.

"I love this program and think it is worthy of focus and dedication for anyone who wishes to lose weight effectively.  The lessons and the meal planning with the work sheets is a smart way to keep track and stay on track.  Stacy’s helpful videos encourage me to stay vigilant yet give myself slack.  Too often I am so hard on myself and you gave permission to forgive my lapses without all the extra punishments and guilt.  Thank you!"

- Dale


Are you ready to finally lose weight for the last time?

You can absolutely do this. I believe in you and will be with you every step of the way. I cannot wait to work with together!


Frequently Asked Questions

Let's go!

Lose Your Weight for the Last Time

Pay in Full


Best Savings! OVER 30% OFF the full price of $347!


12 monthly payments of


Get started TODAY with our lowest monthly payment ever.



6 monthly payments of


Net savings of nearly 20% off the full price of $347 over 6 months!